Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Well, it's Wednesday and not Tuesday. My daughter came home late last night and heisted the computer to do her homework, so I was unable to post. This week Tanya of Chocolatechic chose Rick Katz's Brownies For Julia. This is a great storie behind these brownies which were made for Julia Childs. After reading the many different posts about the texture of these brownies, I have to say I wasn't too excited making them. I'm really not into gooey brownies. After leaving them in the oven for 30 minutes, I used the divot test that was put on Nancy's blog site "the dog eats the crumbs". This can be found on the King Arthur, website.

You take a toothpick or cake tester and pick up a little piece of the top and see what the texture looks like underneath. They definitely weren't done after 30 minutes and I gave them an extra 10 minutes. This did the trick! I have to tell you, it was very difficult not to eat those brownies

right out of the oven!!! I did stick a spoon in them, though...they are very rich and delicious.

After removing them from the fridge the next day, they tasted like a decadent fudge brownie. These are a keeper.

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