Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Apple Apple Bread Pudding

It sucks to be sick and bake. I persevered. I really didn't want to make this dessert but when I told friends and family; their faces persuaded me otherwise. This week's recipe comes from Elizabeth of Cake or Death. I'm not an eggy, custard kind of gal. I was relieved that it wasn't that bad ... I wish my apples were more caramelly. The apples were "just there" for me. I used a store brand apple butter and added some fresh nutmeg and a baking spice from Penzey's to kick it up a notch. I ony made half a batch and weighed my eggs to get an accurate measurement. I'm looking forward to June's picks. How about you?


  1. awww hope u feel better soon! you're such a trooper :)

  2. I wish I'd added some nutmeg and spices to this recipe. How you were well enough to enjoy a bite!

  3. Hello! So nice stopping by to visit with you! Although I like bread pudding it is not my favorite dessert. But I liked this one and I love baking along with others!

    Thanks for stopping by my place and leaving your comment!

    Kindly, ldh
