Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Apple Apple Bread Pudding

It sucks to be sick and bake. I persevered. I really didn't want to make this dessert but when I told friends and family; their faces persuaded me otherwise. This week's recipe comes from Elizabeth of Cake or Death. I'm not an eggy, custard kind of gal. I was relieved that it wasn't that bad ... I wish my apples were more caramelly. The apples were "just there" for me. I used a store brand apple butter and added some fresh nutmeg and a baking spice from Penzey's to kick it up a notch. I ony made half a batch and weighed my eggs to get an accurate measurement. I'm looking forward to June's picks. How about you?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Quick Classic Berry Tart

Wow! Was this scary! I've never made pastry cream before but have made Dorie's French Lemon Cream Tart. Not the same! The recipe wasn't kidding when it said to whip vigorously! So, just when I stopped to see if my liquid was boiling the whole thing thickened up so fast, I didn't know how to react! I stirred and turned off the fire just as fast. I think there should have been a warning flag about this!

Well, I ended up with tiny little lumps in mine. Nothing detremental but could of been smoother! I'll have pics tomorrow of the whole sha-bang!!! I've got the pastry cream cooling in the fridge and mini tart shells freezing in the fridge! Thanks to Christine of Christine Cooks for selecting this week's recipe! Check out her lovely berries!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Burnt Sugar Ice Cream Continued!

I want an ice cream maker! I tried to make this ice cream by hand and froze it in a medium glass bowl. I took longer to freeze than it probably should have. I put this in the freezer at approximately 8:30 a.m. and beat it with a hand mixer every 30 minutes. By 11:30 I was ready for bed. When I woke up in the morning, my ice cream was solid but ice crystals were in there! It taste very good, but I will try this one again with an ice cream maker!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Burnt Sugar Ice Cream

Oh how I wish I started this ice cream yesterday. All I can do is watch, stir and wait. I borrowed an ice cream maker from my sister in law, but it's one that requires rock salt and ice cubes. I wasn't quite feeling that! After seeing the post for Dave Liebowitz and his handmade method, I figured I'd give this one a try. This recipe comes to us by way of Peggy of Project Domestication.

I've never made ice cream before, but this was pretty easy to put together. You do have to keep your eye on cooking that sugar though and after adding the eggs and reheating, that went pretty quickly to get it to the appropriate temperature.
It's so difficult to wait for what is sure to be a wonderful frozen treat. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow. You're only a day away! More pictures to follow...